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February Astrological Energy Forecast

February 2024 brings a fresh new energy to our collective, with Pluto officially moving into a new zodiac sign after its 15 year stay in Capricorn, all the planets finally moving direct and giving us no retrogrades until April of this year, and two new cycles being initiated around love and our own healing processes.  It brings deep intensity, passion, and introspection, along with an urge to break free and do something unconventional, liberating, and different.  The week of February 19th will be incredibly powerful as we experience a rare Chiron and North Node conjunction, a once in every 2 years meet-up of Venus and Mars with a hefty dose of Pluto involved, and a Full Moon in Virgo to put a cherry on top as Virgo is the natural healer of the zodiac. 


In honor of the month of love and romance, we have the two cosmic lovers, Venus and Mars merging in an Aquarian dance for the first time in two years.  Venus rules over the divine feminine energy and Mars rules over the divine masculine energy.  Venus rules over love, relationships, connections, self-worth, and our finances.  Venus attracts.  Mars rules over the way we assert ourselves, how we go after what we want, our sexual energy, our desires.  Mars pursues.  The merging of Venus and Mars in relationship charts is one of the most spellbinding, sought-after alignments two people can have!  It aligns love and romance with desire and sexuality, giving and receiving, fairytales with fireworks.  The two cosmic lovers continuously travel the zodiac, but once every two years they align and kiss in the cosmos, this month in the sign of the revolutionary and humanitarian sign of Aquarius.  The alignment initiates a new two-year cycle around relationships and all things we find valuable.  As we move into the new age of Aquarius, most notably with the help of Pluto changing into this sign very recently, we will continue to experience a shift from the 3D to 5D consciousness by embracing unconditional love, acceptance, and embracing everyone and every connection as unique and individual.  It is here we learn to drop the cultural conditioning, the prejudices, the judgements around what is acceptable in loving relationships and what is not.  Venus in Aquarius loves everyone, she loves uniqueness, individuality, newness – someone different (whether of age, culture, or sexual preference.) She accepts everyone and everything. She just wants to make the world a better place and loves anyone especially bold enough to “let their freak flag fly!” 


As we learn to open our hearts and minds to these new concepts around relationships and love, we see more and more people coming together to experience a rapid shift in their personal frequency, vibration, and heart chakra, allowing this unconditional love and acceptance to flow endlessly through their veins.  This is PART of the purpose of experiencing a soulmate, twin flame or 5D Union.  These connections can be significant catalysts to opening our heart to our own spiritual awakening and journey to obtain enlightenment – the path of ascension.  As an Intuitive Astrologer, I have always felt Aquarius represented Twin flames and 5D Divine Unions, due to the nature of Aquarius and the archetype of individuality within connection, uniqueness, healing, and a sense of mission and purpose to help in healing the collective. 


The cosmic lovers aligning in the sign of Aquarius with the aid of Pluto will bring a new cycle of profound healing, transformation, and soul evolution -  not just for those who have experienced these types of “heart-opening” experiences, but for everyone as we shift into a new paradigm of balancing the collective masculine and feminine energies.  Pluto will bring passion and profound transformation as this new cycle will create the need for vulnerability and authenticity within relationships. 


This alignment is aided even further with the profound meet-up of Chiron and the North Node of Destiny this month as well.  In astrology Chiron is considered the “wounded healer.”  It shows in our collective and personal birth chart where we have experienced pain or insecurity, and ultimately where healing can take place.  The North Node is not a planet, but a point connected to the moon that represents our karmic lessons, potential, and purpose in this lifetime.  Currently, Chiron will meet-up with the North Node in the sign of Aries - the warrior, the individual. Chiron conjunct the north node will show you where healing needs to take place around your own sense of individuality, uniqueness, and ability to be brave and courageous.  It will encourage you to follow your own heart, your own path – blaze your trail and not rely on other people’s judgements and conceptions of you.  “You do You.”  Plain and Simple.  The merging of Chiron and the north node while Venus conjuncts Mars highlights a need to have freedom within a relationship – interdependence rather than co-dependence - a desire to own your individuality and self without losing it to a relationship.  LOVE is FREEDOM, says Venus and Mars in Aquarius. 


All that said, let’s take a look at the additional alignments that will aid in this cosmic energetic shift that the rest of February brings:


Feb. 9th – New moon in Aquarius – with 4 planets in Aquarius during this new moon and activating a square to Uranus, this energy brings a sudden desire to break free and start something new and different – unconventional and liberating.    Look at what house Aquarius falls in your own personal birth chart.


Feb. 13th – Mars enters Aquarius – the next several weeks our desires are focused on how everyone can win, not just ourselves.


Feb. 14th – Mars conjunct Pluto – Valentine’s is going to be “LIT UP!”  Passion and sparks fly on this day so plan accordingly.  P.S. Did you know Scorpio is one of the most common zodiac sun signs to have?  Why?  Because Scorpio season occurs exactly 9 months after Aquarius season and Valentines Day (wink 😉


Feb. 16th – Venus enters Aquarius – a time to focus on friendships and socializing.  Do something unique and out of the ordinary - try to have more love and compassion for those who have different views and perceptions than you do.


Feb. 18th – Sun enters Pisces – the start of Pisces season as we shift from the AIR element to the WATER element – Happy Birthday Pisces!


Feb. 19th – Chiron conjunct the North Node – this is an ongoing alignment that will flavor most of February but is exact on the 19th.  Pay attention to what occurs for you around this time as that will give you clues into your own path to healing; especially once April comes and we have an eclipse conjunct Chiron. 


Feb. 22nd – Venus Conjunct Mars – a new (passionate and deeply intense) 2-year cycle begins around who and what we value and desire in life.


Feb. 24th – Full moon in Virgo – a healing moon that brings some heavy manifestation energy with Saturn in the mix.  Look at what house Virgo rules in your birth chart to see where things might be wrapping up for you. 


Feb. 28th – Sun conjunct Saturn – A serious and sobering day, but can bring a lot of focus, determination, and hard work.  Be gentle with yourself today – don’t get too critical or down on yourself if you’re not exactly where you want to be quite yet. 


That’s all the alignments for February – See you in March!

Image Credit: Pinterest

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