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August Astrological Energy Forecast

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

August starts out with one of two full moons of the month, marking August 2023 as a Blue Moon month. Venus, the planet of love and money, is retrograde and Mercury, the planet of communication and commerce, is not far behind as he retrogrades on the same day as we march into Virgo season. The mind and the heart are doing some serious inner work this month! Mars changes signs, switching up how we take action and assert ourselves, and Uranus makes his annual backtrack to join the others this month as well. Time to take notice of those divine downloads and insights as to how we can accomplish our goals and break new ground! Check out the alignments and the FULL Astrological Energy Forecast for the month – and what they mean for you over the course of August.

· Aug. 1st – Full super moon (the Sturgeon moon) at 9 degrees Aquarius. How can you follow your heart and yet move toward your mission and service to others, releasing what others may think or feel you “should” do. Check which area Aquarius falls in your birth chart.


Aug. 8th – Venus retrograde square Uranus – a true switching up of our relationships and finances – where have your values changed and what do you value now?


Aug. 13th – Venus aligns with the sun creating the Venus Star Point and starting a new 584-day cycle, showing a re-birth of all things Venus related.


Aug 15th – Sun squares Uranus – an unpredictable and chaotic energy day. Where can you liberate yourself?


Aug. 16th– New Moon in Leo – sitting at the 23rd degree (naturally ruled by Aquarius) the new moon is aligned with Venus retrograde and squaring Uranus in Taurus. Set your intentions on how you can be more authentically “You” and break free from the stories and societal programming that has kept you from shining your own unique bright light!


Aug. 23rd– Mercury goes Retrograde in Virgo the same day as the sun moves into Virgo marking Virgo season. Time to slow down and reassess. Virgo likes to review the situation with a “fine-tune” comb. Have you crossed your T’s and dotted your I’s?


Aug. 27th – Mars enters Libra. This isn’t the greatest place Mars likes to be. Watch out for passive-aggressive behavior and difficulty making clear decisions. Mars in Libra is the classic “fence sitter.”


Aug. 28th – Uranus goes Retrograde – pay attention to the messages that come from spirit and the divine. The intelligent universe is talking to you!


Aug. 30th – Full (Blue) Moon in Pisces – at 7 degrees the full moon aligns with heavy Saturn. Although emotions may seem heavy and difficult, on the flipside Saturn rewards hard work. Manifestation in the area where Pisces falls in your chart is how this full moon can be expressed to its fullest.

Those are the energetic alignments for August!

See you next month!

*Image credit to respective owner

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